AR Now Online Help                            

Use Register

Check Edit (pre-print)

This is the help page for the Check Edit page. The Check Edit page will come to you in two different forms.  The first form is the pre-print form.  This is BEFORE the check has been printed.  Most all of your edit options will be available to you.  The second form of the Check Edit page will be the post-print form or AFTER you have printed the check. Very few of the edit options are available after the check has been printed.

     The Check Edit page (pre-print) will allow you to change most anything you originally posted in the Write Checks page.  This is to allow for any mistakes or changes that may have occurred between the time you wrote the check and the time that it is to be printed.  With AR Now Check Scheduling, you may in fact write checks MONTHS before you actually print them.  So changes can occur.

Below is a screen shot with specific operation areas labeled with numbers.  The corresponding explanations for each area are listed below.
Check Edit (pre-print stage)
    The first two editable fields are located on the check image shown above. All of the other fields will be found below the image, in the edit check form....

  1. Edit Payor - The small "edit" link next to the payors name (located on the check image) can be clicked and this will open a small pop-up window in which to edit the payor.  It can be seen here. It will have the normal fields, Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Account # and will also allow you to chose or change a bank for the payor.

  2. Edit Payee - There is a similar small "edit" link next to the payees name (located on the check image) can be clicked and this will open a small pop-up window in which to edit the payee.  It can be seen here. It will have the normal fields, Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone.

  3. CheckID - The first field is not actually editable.  It is the CheckID. It is simply a unique system assigned number to reference the check with.

  4. Amount - This is the amount of the check.  You can put any appropriate integer into this field.  You do not need to enter commas, or $ signs. If the amount contains cents you must use a decimal, for example 3482.25.

  5. Check # - This is the number that the payor has given you for the check.  The payor will generally record this number in his or her check register, just as if they had written the check themselves. (This is different from the CheckID which is a unique system assigned  number.  You may have 1 or more check numbers that are the same, but you will never have 2 identical CheckID's.)

  6. Check Date - This is the date the check was created on, or the date it is intended to be used on. Be careful editing this field if you have set up recurring payments!

  7. Check Memo - The memo that will be printed on the check.  Usually this will be the reason the check was printed, such as "Payment on Car, Monthly Rent" and so on.

  8. Check Notes - Notes for the check.  These WILL NOT be printed on the check and are intended for the user of the AR Now program.  You may have notes regarding the Payor, the Payee, the nature of the payment, and so on that may be convenient in the future to look back on.

  9. Printed - This is simply a check box that will reflect the status of the check, Printed or not printed.  It is greyed out and cannot be changed. It is simply a reference for your use.

  10. Cleared - This is a field for the user of the AR Now program, use this field to mark the check as cleared once it has been cashed and cleared the bank. NOTE: This is one of the few fields that CAN be edited AFTER the check has been printed.

  11. Verified - This is a field for the user of the AR Now program, use this field to mark the check if you verified with the bank that the account was valid and that the funds were there prior to check submital. NOTE: You can use this Yes or No field for anything that applies to your particular needs.

  12. Signature Type - This field will decide what signature type is printed on the check. You will have 3 choices.  The default is Signature not required. The other two choices are Authorized Signatory and the standard Signature line.  For more information regarding these choices click here.


Use the OK Button to submit your edits to this check.  If you have chosen more than one check to edit, this will submit the current check and load the next check in line.

The Cancel Button will simply cancel the operation and return you to the previous page.  If you have selected multiple checks to edit this will still cancel the entire operation and return you to the register.

The Delete Button will delete the current check.  NOTE: This operation is PERMANENT.  There is no recovering if you delete a check.

Other Check Register Page help links:

Print Check

How to print a check or checks after selecting from the register.

Print Preferences
How to setup a printer and choose your checkstock.